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Criminal Drug Defense Lawyers in Atlanta, GA

Helping Clients Fight Criminal Drug Charges

Drug offenses are taken very seriously under Atlanta drug laws. Those accused of drug crimes may face harsh penalties, including jail time, hefty fines, and a criminal record that can haunt them for years to come. Many prosecutors take a hard line against alleged users or traffickers of illegal drugs, which often results in innocent people paying a price for something they didn’t do.

You can fight your drug charges with the help of a drug crime defense lawyer like those at Mones Law, P.C. We understand the serious nature of Georgia drug crimes and will fight with all of our power to defeat your charges and protect your freedom. Our drug crime lawyers will advise you on how to answer police officers’ questions, including when to invoke the right to remain silent. We will also conduct an investigation to uncover evidence that backs up your defense.

Please don’t go it alone when it comes to drug crime charges. Call our criminal defense law office right away to schedule a free consultation and learn more about how we can help you overcome this challenging situation. Call us at 678-616-2647 to speak with our drug crimes legal team.

What Are Some Common Drug Charges in Atlanta, GA?

Using and trafficking dangerous drugs violates Georgia criminal law, including the Georgia Controlled Substances Act. Depending on the details of your case, you could face a variety of charges related to drug possession or trafficking. Your drug crime attorney can explain the meaning and significance of your charges.

Simple Possession

Possession of an illegal drug like marijuana, heroin, crack cocaine, LSD, or meth can lead to severe consequences in Georgia. Law enforcement officials must have followed proper legal procedures to use the drugs as evidence, however. An Atlanta drug crime lawyer can identify whether your rights were violated during the search and seizure.

Drug Trafficking

Drug trafficking violations are even more serious in nature than simple possession. Those who break drug trafficking laws may be discovered because of the large amount of drugs in their possession or their possession of drug paraphernalia. If you are accused of a drug offense related to trafficking, it is crucial to hire a drug crime defense attorney immediately to avoid maximum sentencing.

What Penalties Could Come with a Drug Crime Conviction?

The penalties that you face for your charges depend on the nature of your drug-related crime. For example, the type of drug involved may decide how severely a judge will sentence you if convicted.

Similar to other states, Georgia divides dangerous drugs into the following categories:

  • Schedule I drugs have the highest potential for abuse and are considered extremely dangerous. They include heroin, LSD, and THC. The penalties for possession may be between five to 30 years in prison.
  • Schedule II drugs may have limited medical use. Each is considered a controlled substance and is highly addictive. These drugs include oxycodone, morphine, and codeine, and mere possession may lead to prison time of between five and 30 years.
  • Schedule III drugs include steroids and ketamine. A first offense for possessing these drugs can result in a sentence of one to five years in prison.
  • Schedule IV drugs include prescription drugs such as Ambien, Valium, and Xanax. Abusing a controlled substance, such as possessing, selling, or using the drug without a doctor’s permission, can result in one to 10 years in prison.

What Factors Could Increase or Decrease My Sentencing?

Drug cases may result in severe consequences, even for substances with accepted medical usage, if the person does not have a prescription for the controlled substance. Someone accused of drug abuse can avoid state prison with the help of dedicated GA lawyers who understand state and federal law. Your drug lawyer can identify aggravating factors that might make the sentencing more severe. They can also help you develop a defense to get your drug charge reduced or thrown out.

Drug Crime Aggravating Factors

Some examples of factors that could lead to more severe sentencing include:

  • Possession of a weapon near the drugs
  • Possession of large amounts of the drug
  • Possession of drug paraphernalia
  • Using the drugs in a drug-free zone, such as a school

Drug Crime Mitigating Factors and Defenses

A drug crime attorney can help determine the best defense to use in your unique circumstances. Some examples of effective Atlanta drug defenses include:

  • The drug was not yours.
  • You were not aware of the presence of the drug.
  • You only possessed the drug with the intent of disposing of it for someone else.
  • You have a legal prescription to use the prescription drug.
  • Mistaken identity
  • Insufficient evidence
  • Illegal search and seizure

Speak with an experienced drug attorney immediately for help to fight your charges and avoid a devastating drug crime conviction.

Should You Hire Our Atlanta Criminal Drug Defense Attorneys?

If a police officer has identified drugs at your home, car, or on your person, you could face serious criminal charges. However, our drug lawyers are prepared to handle your drug case and protect you. We can stop law enforcement from unlawfully convicting you, resulting in jail time, loss of your driver’s license, and other devastating consequences.

Whether you are charged with mere possession or if you are facing trafficking charges, we can help. Reach out to our Atlanta drug crime law office right away to schedule a complimentary 60-minute consultation. We will listen to your concerns and answer your questions in terms you can understand. We will fight aggressively for your freedom throughout your criminal proceedings and will work tirelessly to get the most favorable outcome possible. Call 678-616-2647 to speak with our caring, capable legal team today.